
“I love my dance class. There is dancing and two soccer goals and the moon and the stars.”

— Ellis, age 5  1/2

We are not currently running public classes.


We will host summer camp 2024!


We offer birthday parties at our Summer Camp location, 756 S 11th Street, or at your event location!


We lead programming at preschools. Want to see us at your school? Reach out!


We are working to open a new preschool in Winter 2024. Keep an eye out for updates!


Our Class Offerings: 


for 1.5-8 year olds

ZoomDance classes are high-energy with lots of dance, music, storytelling, imagination, and fun! We’ll go on dance adventures and play games. Kids will develop agility, coordination, rhythm, and balance, plus we’ll leave space for everyone to show off their favorite moves. 

These classes are divided by age group. 



for 3-6 year olds

Join us for an engaging, active, adventurous beginner ballet class to help young dancers discover the joy in dancing. Kids will practice alignment, balance, coordination, and learn dances each week, all in a less rigid format than standard ballet classes. Costumes are encouraged but no specific attire is necessary. Ballerinas, tigers, princesses, superheroes, everyone is welcome!



Connect with ZoomDance: 

Follow us on social media to be the first to know about our offerings

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